Coconut Stuffed Croissant

Who is obsessed with Monogram’s coconut latte? We are! We love the natural sweetness it offers, it’s smooth and it’s the best over ice on a sunny summer day.

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POST from June 15, 2017

We started our coconut series of Stuffed Croissant because we fell in love with @monogramco's coconut latte. Tomorrow at 10am both cafes will be loaded with our coconut stuffed croissant, with another one of our childhood favourite chocolate bar. Are you ready? #FridayCroissant #isitfridayyet

Going with the fact that we love it over ice more so than a hot coconut latte, we chose the same direction to go with in our pastry. We wanted to create something that can be enjoyed cold. Baking with flavours can be difficult because they can get lost easily after bake. To have the coconut flavour remain strong, we must first toast the unsweetened coconut in the oven and soak them in coconut milk overnight. The next day, we bring it back to a boil and strain the coconut out and use the remaining dairy to make a pastry cream. Not only do we use coconut milk as a base but the toasted coconut flavour also lingers in the cream.

Coconut is rich due to it’s high oil content so to hide that, we crumbled milk chocolate bars on top to smooth it out. Coconut, chocolate, and butter. Now that is one treat-yourself treat indeed!

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Screenshot_2020-04-16 ButterBlockyyc ( butterblockyyc) • Instagram photos and videos(2).jpg
Karen KongComment